Historical Research & Interpretation

Historical research is in our blood.  We love nothing more than the puzzle-solving challenges of piecing together the history of an old building, its inhabitants, and its/the larger context.

While most of our research clients hire us to write a National Register nomination as part of their Historic Tax Credit or Special Assessment projects, we can assist in all manner of research efforts.  We help commercial property owners learn the history of their buildings purely for marketing and brand-identity reasons, but sometimes also to gain awareness of any aspects that might require sensitive public relations.

Some old buildings come with basements full of interesting historic treasures.  We’re able to sort and identify the most meaningful items, helping to curate a history display that truly brings the stories of a building’s past to life.  Likewise, when a vintage building has a rich and meaningful past, the perfect capstone to a rehabilitation project is a well-designed interpretive display. We work with local graphic designers to create outstanding common-area artwork that tells a building’s story in words and pictures.  We do the research, find the old photos and drawings, and prepare the text.  The designer pulls it all together in one compelling design.  We’ve done this work to fulfill Section 106 requirements, as well as to purely make a building lobby shine.

Interpretive panel for Ya-Po-Ah Terrace in Eugene Oregon designed by Bryan Potter Designs with archival research by Jessica Engeman.
Interpretive panel for Patton Home in Portland Oregon designed by Bryan Potter Designs with archival research by Jessica Engeman.

Examples of interpretative panels done in collaboration with Bryan Potter Design.