Documentation, Surveys & Planning

Stewarding a historic property means balancing the things that need to change with the things that should stay the same.  We work with clients to document their historic buildings, which can include identifying historic materials, character-defining features, and past alterations.  Our reports are tailored to the client’s needs, often providing treatment recommendations, advice on project phasing, and a hierarchy of preservation priorities.

Similarly, our services include documentation of historic structures for archival purposes.  Often, this is done to meet the requirements of Section 106 or ORS 358.653 mitigation.   

Lastly, we assist local governments and nonprofits with a variety of planning projects including historic resource surveys, guidelines and best practices, and other specialty reports.

This barn in Redmond Oregon was documented in a 200 property historic resources survey completed by Jessica Engeman in 2022.

This historic barn was documented in Redmond, Oregon as part of a 200-property survey completed for the City in 2022.