Owner’s Representation & Project Management

Historic rehabilitation projects benefit from the unique expertise that only comes from navigating the process many times over.  Continuum brings over two decades of experience working in commercial real estate, assisting property owners who’ve understood that having a knowledgeable person working alongside them throughout the development process was critical to their financial success (and their stress levels!).  We provide project management and owner’s representation on full-building rehabilitations as well as tenant improvements. With our lengthy experience working in Portland and the network of contacts we’ve grown as a result, we are able to help owners put together the best team possible for their projects and contract with specialty subcontractors and consultants when unique conditions arise.

The White Stag block was a historic tax credit preservation project that Jessica Engeman worked on in 2007 in Portland Oregon.

As an employee of developer Venerable Group, Jessica played a key role in the adaptive reuse of the White Stag Block in 2007.

Featured Owner’s Rep & Project Management Work