National Register Nominations & Local Landmark Designations

Continuum is consistently a high producer of National Register nominations and we are known for the quality of our work.  We have never had a nomination tabled or rejected.  Our experience covers a wide range of building types and styles.  We’ve nominated warehouses, churches, schools, retirement facilities, banks, apartment buildings, single-family homes, and more.  The styles and eras of these buildings are equally as diverse—ranging from the late 19th century to the mid-century modern period.  We also have experience with historic resource reclassification and with boundary alterations in historic districts.

While listing in the National Register of Historic Places is a purely honorific designation, it opens the door to many incentives.  Historic tax credits and the Special Assessment property tax incentive are contingent upon being listed (though you don’t have to complete the designation before your project commences!).  Many historic preservation grants and foundation gifts are also only given to listed buildings.

Additionally, we’ve designated several buildings at the local level in Portland. This is a strategy we recommend to our clients who could benefit from Portland’s zoning code incentives for local landmarks.

The Sigglin Flats is a historic preservation and restoration project that used Historic Tax Credit and Special Assessment, which was secured by consultant Jessica Engeman.

The Charles O. Sigglin Flats was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2018 as a noteworthy fourplex by master architect Emil Schacht. Because of the landmark designation, this project was able to benefit from Historic Tax Credits and Special Assessment.

Featured National Register Projects